Gig: Website Redesign Project

UNC Charlotte Gig Training Program

Closes on Monday, September 16, 2024

Job Description

Section 1 - Organization/Department profile:
The mission of the Global-ready Research and Equitable Education in Teaching (GREET) Center in the Cato COED is to prepare undergraduate students, especially preservice teachers, with research skills to support their career development. The GREET Center was established with a University of North Carolina (UNC) System Undergraduate Research Grant and is a UNC System hub for undergraduate research-focused professional development integrated through course- based undergraduate research experiences (CURES). The GREET Center CURES have been implemented by more than a dozen faculty and over 500 undergraduate students in the UNC System.

Section 2 - Description of the project/project scope:
The purpose of this Gig Training program application is to request an undergraduate student to redesign and improve the GREET Center website. Right now the website is static and, frankly, boring. We are seeking a technically skilled undergraduate student to update the website and improve the interface so the website becomes vibrant and mobile responsive.

Section 3 - Preferred student demographic and qualifications:
This project will be a beneficial experience for technically savvy undergraduate students. We prefer a reliable and hard-working undergraduate student who is in the College of Computing and Informatics and has experience with website development.

Section 4 - Hours required for completion: We are seeking an undergraduate student to work 40 hours of time for the six weeks of the project. While 40 hours is ideal, the project can be tailored to 30 hours of time across six weeks (e.g., 5 hours a week).

Section 5 - Role type (in-person, hybrid, or remote):
The work will be hybrid in nature. There will be a weekly in-person meeting with Drs. Byker and Medina over the project’s six week time frame. These in-person meetings will be one hour in length. It will also include remote work for the website updates and improvements. Drs. Byker and Medina will be available for Zoom check-in type meetings throughout the course of the project.

Section 6 - Describe how the student will benefit from participation: There are many career and educational benefits for the undergraduate student including: 1) real world experience of website updates that can be included in the undergraduate student’s professional portfolio; 2) communication and collaboration with faculty on this project; 3) development of career competencies like career & self-development, collaboration, communication, leadership, professionalism, and continued development of technical skills.

Section 7 - Outline the expected outcomes:
There are three main outcomes: 1) First, the GREET Center’s website will be updated so it is vibrant, professional looking, and has a mobile responsive design; 2) Second, the undergraduate student will gain career competencies; and 3) Third, the undergraduate student will develop technical skills to showcase on a resume and portfolio

On-Campus Employment (UNC Charlotte Departments Only) UNC Charlotte Gig Training Program
Gig: Website Redesign Project - 135303