FWS: Student Centers Social Media Ambassador
UNC Charlotte Popp Martin Student Union
Federal Work Study
Closes on Sunday, January 19, 2025
Job Description
Social media ambassadors of Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center take, edit and post photos for our social media pages. Those social media pages consist of Instagram and Facebook. Social media ambassadors will attend events held around campus and take pictures of those events to then be edited and posted on social media. They are also responsible for posting accurate building hours and movie posters/times. Social media ambassadors will work with the Lead and Supervisor of the team for additional tasks. The overall goal of this position is to keep the student body connected with the Student Union and Cone Center and everything they have to offer! This position is responsible for assisting in facility emergency procedures as directed by full-time staff and in adherence with provided emergency protocol training.
On-Campus Employment (UNC Charlotte Departments Only) Up to 29 hours for domestic students and up to 20 for international students UNC Charlotte Popp Martin Student Union