STW: Research Assistant

Notice: This job posting has closed. The information presented below is for historical reference only.

UNC Charlotte Political Science & Public Administration

Student Temp Wage
Closes on Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Job Description

Seeking an advanced undergraduate or graduate level student to assist with data collection, survey distribution, and data cleaning. The student will search databases online to obtain foundation information and work with Qualtrics to send surveys to approximately 1000 participants. The student will be responsible for following up with survey participants via email and phone calls to increase response rate. The student will keep track of data and clean data once the survey period closes. The student will be required to attend a weekly meeting to provide status updates.

The student will work 10 hours/week for a maximum of 106 hours in the Fall semester at $16 per hour, to begin September 30th, 2024. The last day will be December 6th. 

On-Campus Employment (UNC Charlotte Departments Only) 10 UNC Charlotte Political Science & Public Administration
STW: Research Assistant - 137119