FWS Student Niner Media Distribution Manager

UNC Charlotte Office of Student Development and Success

Federal Work Study
Closes on Monday, September 30, 2024

Job Description

This individual assists the Niner Times Editor-in-Chief and Marketing Director in the performance of print and ad distribution. This person will distribute the Niner Times print paper, marketing materials and the products from other Student Niner Media departments if needed.

  • Ensures that the papers are distributed each required week with their distribution staff. Will distribute the paper with the distribution staff if necessary.
  • Ensures that marketing ads/flyers are distributed to the required stands.
  • Communicates with the marketing department and sales staff to ensure that ads for print are sent to the Niner Times editors before production.
  • Produces a weekly report of how sales/ads and distribution is going. This is presented/delivered at a minimum to the Niner Times EIC and Marketing Director
  • Ensures that newsstands are clean and intact.
  • Will work to deliver any other publications/goods to stands from the other SNM departments.
    • Will meet once a month, or however much is necessary, with the other SNM Department Heads to ensure any distribution tasks are communicated effectively
  • Responsible for communicating with the printers of the Niner Times about changes to the printing schedule, general questions and updates on delivery.
  • Aids with tabling related to the SNM departments and ensuring papers and promotional items are available.
  • Meets with the Editor-in-Chief and Marketing Director once a week as needed.
    • Attends and participates in all staff meetings, including the Budget Meeting, Editorial Board and general. If a problem arises, discuss it with the Editor-in-Chief beforehand
  • Recruits and trains any distribution staff.
On-Campus Employment (UNC Charlotte Departments Only) 10-15 UNC Charlotte Office of Student Development and Success
FWS Student Niner Media Distribution Manager - 132710