Career Meet Up: Salary Negotiation for Women in STEM

Notice: This event has ended. The information presented below is for historical reference only.

Monday, October 2, 2023, 2:00 - 2:45 pm

This is a virtual event. You'll join this event online by clicking the join event button below.


Salary negotiation can be intimidating and confusing, and even more so for women who might be worried about getting a salary that matches their level of skill and experience. The gender wage cap is sadly real. Career Meet Ups are 30-45 minute small group sessions focused on specific topics and led by career coaches or industry professionals. Meet Ups may be virtual or in-person, and you will have the opportunity to gain information, ask questions, and get some practice. If you need accommodations to access this Meet Up, contact Brandi Ledermann, Meet Up Program Manager, at or 704-687-0791.